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 CAD / Development / 3536
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Re: Line in the Sand
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:54:51 GMT
3328 times
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote ...
I don't remember *why* INVERTNEXT is needed.  But I am sure it is needed.

Is this a joke? You argue very well in "Inversion" in "Language Extension
Functionality" about the 3D tube ;-)

Nope, not a joke.  I seriously didn't remember the reason(s) why other
approaches wouldn't work as well as INVERTNEXT.

I poked around old messages a little bit, I think I remember better now.

Let me (attempt to) explain:

When this whole BFC discussion started, I thought the best way to invert
subfiles was to negate the orientation matrix.

Later in the discussion, it became apparent to me that using the orientation
matrix was not a workable way to deal with inversion.  Other people realized
this from the start, I think.

As I remember, the only other suggested approach to inverted objects was to have
two sets of primitives; one set with normal orientation, the other set inverted.
This is actually a workable solution, but limits the power of the LDraw
language, and requires somebody to *write* all the inverterd-primitive files.

So INVERTNEXT is our best solution to the problem.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve Bliss wrote ... (...) Is this a joke? You argue very well in "Inversion" in "Language Extension Functionality" about the 3D tube ;-) /Lars Sorry if I missed a pun. (24 years ago, 21-Dec-99, to

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