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 CAD / Development / 3220
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Re: Line in the Sand
Thu, 11 Nov 1999 00:00:18 GMT
1558 times
I think we should drop the CERTIFY as it is superfluous and
apparently adds more confusion than it clarifies!

Why not settle for:

This defines the winding of the following polygons and means that
the file is "certified", i.e. "has been inspected" and therefore
cliping is enabled, both for local polygons and subfiles. [1]

In the (probably) rare cases of double-sided sections, the part-author
can temporarily use CLIPPING OFF and then CLIPPING ON. Both local
polygons and subfiles in that section are not clipped. [2]

If you want to turn a subfile inside-out, add an INVERT just
before the subfile reference.

[1] The WINDING also means certified - why would you bother adding
a WINDING if you have not inspected/certified the file.
The WINDING also means clipping on - why would you bother adding
a WINDING if you don't wan't clipping.
If you e.g. have only checked the subfile references, but not the
winding of the polygons yet, simply use WINDING UNKNOWN.
If you e.g. have only checked the winding of the polygons, but not
the subfile references yet, simply use WINDING CCW|CW and enclose
subfile references with CLIPPING OFF/CLIPPING ON.

[2] CLIPPING OFF disregards the winding state, i.e. you don't
have to also specify a WINDING UNKNOWN.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) I'd like to hear from other people about this before deciding to keep it or drop it. I'll give my reasons to keep CERTIFY below. But first ... (...) Why not use: 0 CLIPPING (YES|NO) CLIPPING addresses the core issue (can the current file be (...) (24 years ago, 12-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
See (URL) There is a serious weakness in this document, 'certification' is not clearly defined. This definitely needs to be addressed. Currently, the only definition of certification is: (...) ... which is a bit of a typo. My definition of certified (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to

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