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 CAD / Development / 3163
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Re: Line in the Sand
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 02:04:32 GMT
1906 times
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 20:56:06 GMT, Larry Pieniazek <> wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote:

I wouldn't describe the document as a formal specification.

I would. This is WAY better than most of the crap requirements I have to
rationalize into some semblance of something to keep paying customers

Thanks. (blushing)

Can that be translated into paying work?

Very nice work, Steve. Written in a way that made it understandable to
someone that doesn't really know matrix math or rendering engine
internals (like me)...

That's because it's written by someone who keeps the matrix-math reference
material very close at hand whenever he's got to actually go under the hood.

I just have one suggestion...

And there are one or two points of
contention to be found, as well.

could you elaborate or identify these?

Issue 1:  should the CLIPPING setting be strictly local to each file, or should
it be persistent between files, especially be pushed downward in the recursive
subfile-referencing process?

Issue 2: What is this CERTIFY statement?  That one came out of left field.

Issue 3: Do all files (in the root-file to current-file referencing chain) need
to be certified to allow clipping, or not?

Issue 4: Do we need a WINDING UNKNOWN statement?

Issue 5: Can a superfile disable clipping, overriding a subfile's CLIPPING ON

Those are the ones that jump out at me, I believe Lars and Gary have already
found some others, and I'm counting on Rui to dig out some others.  There's at
least a half-dozen regulars reading this who know more the subject than I do,
I'm hoping they'll post either their comments or agreement.

"Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) Yes. How are you on travel? :-) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to

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  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) I would. This is WAY better than most of the crap requirements I have to rationalize into some semblance of something to keep paying customers happy. Very nice work, Steve. Written in a way that made it understandable to someone that doesn't (...) (25 years ago, 20-Oct-99, to

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