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 CAD / Development / 3236
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Re: Line in the Sand
Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:51:12 GMT
2077 times
Actually, I was thinking of CERTIFY, like a enable of the specific
new metacommands.

If you have a

would mean Enable or take into account the GFC related commands. besides
the fact that it certifies that file has beeing checked for point
order (bowties) and winding.

So the certify statement is a little bit more powerfull than just stating
that it complies to the some fact.

And following this, I am in favor of replacing CERTIFY with EXTENSIONS,
since it makes alot more sence, with this reasoning.

Besides this could be a great help for DEBUG, just remove (or comment) the
CERTIFY/EXTENSION line (or remove the particular extension, when you have
more than one) and all the extension MetaCommands are ignored, without
having to comment them all.

Rui Martins

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) I forgot to add that you can have a file that is 'certified', but due to its nature (the lego part/sub-part) no clipping is applicable, but it can have correct point order (no bowties) and a defined winding (the default, or some expecifically (...) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve Bliss wrote in message ... (...) I think it is nice to have the winding state expressed explicitly. IMO part authors should be allowed to whatever winding they find most natural to work with (though you say CCW is desirable). It is perfectly (...) (24 years ago, 15-Nov-99, to

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