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 CAD / Development / 3528
3527  |  3529
Re: Line in the Sand
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 17:31:34 GMT
3180 times
Steve Bliss wrote...
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:

Why not? Any information you can gather by simply analysing a DAT file
should not be required to be stated by the part author.

In that case, why are we wiggling about with this BFC extension stuff?
Rendering programs can figure out what order vertices should be put in, and they
can figure out which way a polygon is facing.  They don't need all this extra
effort from us and parts authors.

Jean-Pierre's analyzer is not a "simple analysis" and may not work 100% correctly
without human intervention.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) In that case, why are we wiggling about with this BFC extension stuff? Rendering programs can figure out what order vertices should be put in, and they can figure out which way a polygon is facing. They don't need all this extra effort from us (...) (24 years ago, 21-Dec-99, to

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