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Re: Line in the Sand
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:33:32 GMT
2020 times
Steve Bliss wrote in message ...
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:

I agree WINDING may not directly make you think about BFC, but I think
I argued why WINDING is enough - please comment:

Is there a reason you prefer
as the 'certify statement', rather than

Winding is local.
Certification is sort-of local -- only the local file is certified, but the
local setting affects whether subfiles (in the same reference branch) are
clippable or not.
Clipping accumulates downward on the reference branch.

CLIPPING seems more like a 'certify statement' than WINDING.  IMO.

I think it is nice to have the winding state expressed explicitly.
IMO part authors should be allowed to whatever winding they find
most natural to work with (though you say CCW is desirable).
It is perfectly legal to use CW, we should put no constraints
on part authors, and not at all on a matter that a program
can easily swap for you.

Winding is the most functional of the commands. The CCW or CW
is interesting. Clipping is obvious.

Once stating the winding, it is natural that you want clipping and
that you have inspected the file. So you don't need to say more.

CERTIFY implies WINDING CCW, which you have to remember.

I expect CLIPPING to be used very seldom: only for double-sided
sections (can be counted on one hand?) and for parts which you
only want to check the winding but not the subfiles (most likely you
will check both at the same time).

PS. A few parts can be made of subfiles alone (i.e. only linetype 1).
I admit a WINDING can seem strange in such a file, so perhaps
presence CLIPPING ON should also mean "certification"
(of subfiles, the winding state is unknown). See also last part of

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Actually, I was thinking of CERTIFY, like a enable of the specific new metacommands. Example: If you have a 0 CERTIFY BFC would mean Enable or take into account the GFC related commands. besides the fact that it certifies that file has beeing (...) (24 years ago, 16-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) 0 WINDING (CW|CCW) as the 'certify statement', rather than 0 CLIPPING ON ? Winding is local. Certification is sort-of local -- only the local file is certified, but the local setting affects whether subfiles (in the same reference branch) are (...) (24 years ago, 15-Nov-99, to

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