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 CAD / Development / 3227
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Re: Line in the Sand
Sat, 13 Nov 1999 13:55:50 GMT
3325 times
[ Still discussing ]


In, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:

I understand why you sometimes use specialised "programming"
languages for writing specifications.

Did you mean you=Steve or you=anyone?

You=anyone (kind of - English is a very imprecise language - "on"
            in French, "man" in Danish, ...)

My point was, does CERTIFY BFC change the value of the
internal local_clipping variable, or not?  My intention
was that it does not.  From a practical viewpoint, it
might as well, but it is not necessary for it to do so.

That depends on how the program is written. You could
imagine that the variable "local_clipping" isn't defined
until it is verified that it is relevant.

I don't think so. If you could translate my explanation
above to proper English, then the problem should be solved,
with the effect I understand you intended.

How about some pseudo-code?  Skipping a few beside-the-point details:


Good. I think this clarifies a lot.

Ick.  Longer than I thought.  Maybe I'll go back to plain English.

I don't think you can make it shorter as plain English, but
I will not complain if you attempt.

Play well,


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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) Did you mean you=Steve or you=anyone? (...) I agree, the sequence should be illegal. My point was, does CERTIFY BFC change the value of the internal local_clipping variable, or not? My intention was that it does not. From a practical (...) (24 years ago, 12-Nov-99, to

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