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Re: Line in the Sand
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 20:21:14 GMT
2514 times
In, Lars C. Hassing wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote in message ...
Decorations on transparent parts shows through when looking at the part from
behind.  If the decoration polygons were put through the BFC-check, they would
be clipped in this situation, because the decoration is facing away from the

Remember BFC must be disabled for transparent parts. That's what
  If 32 <= Color And Color <= 47 Then AccumClip = FALSE
takes care of.

Hmm. that makes me wonder if the logic of turning of BFC clipping when a part's
color is transparent will really work.  Because a part may have the main color
as 16, and some sections are hard-coded to a transparent color.  In this case,
the suggested logic would fail to cull correctly.

So it's not the transparent *part-file* which can't be BFC'ed, but the
transparent polygons.

Argh.  I'll update the pseudo-code.

Frankly I can't think of any situations where double-sided sections are
*really* necessary, since all parts have a volume, because they are molded
in plastic.

However, two places where double-sided sections could be useful:
1) John Van mentioned a "stair-step-like part, where a single quad could
  be used as the top of one step and the bottom of the next step up".
  IMO this is bad modeling, as the part would look strange in transparent
  and it may not necessarily speed up rendering having a large quad
  rather than two small quads.

I agree with you on this.  It's an unnecessary shortcut for the author.

2) Stickers and flags. As a shortcut they *could* be modeled as thin objects.

7 If 32 <= Color And Color <= 47 Then // This restriction may or may not be
7    AccumClip = FALSE                // required, depending on the style of
7 End If                              // rendering for transparent surfaces.

What do you mean with the comment?
That dither-transparency can use BFC?

That is correct.

Well, in that case we do need
double-sided sections for decorations!

That's what I was thinking. :)

But, we need this anyway.  Without worrying about the details, think about the
basic logic:  in some cases, the backside of decorations can appear in
renderings.  And, as I pointed out above, the logic of disabling BFC clipping
for transparent parts is flawed.

Yeah, that was the expression I was looking for ;-)

In Danish we have a noun (vrang) meaning "wrong side" or "reverse side".
I can't seem to find a similar English noun.

Do you mean inside-out or back?

It is important to state that "inversion" in this discussion means
"turning inside out" or "turning the wrong side out" and not mirroring.

Good point.

7 they were inverted.  Assuming that all part files used in a rendering allows
Don't you need a comma?
8 they were inverted.  Assuming that, all part files used in a rendering allows

No, I need a brain-check.  I think this wording is slightly more clear:

8 they were inverted.  Assuming part files are never inverted allows
8 the rendering engine to apply BFC-processing on all certified part-files,
8 even if the model file(s) are not BFC-certified.

4            RenderFile Command.Subfile,
4                       (AccumClip and LocalClip and Certified),
4                       (AccumInvert xor InvertNext)
                        TransformMatrix * Command.TransformMatrix

TransformMatrix could be renamed to AccumTransformMatrix like the other
parameters to RenderFile.

You added AccumTransformMatrix as a parameter to RenderFile but forgot the
AccumTransformMatrix * Command.TransformMatrix in the two calls to RenderFile.

Hmm, good point.

Yes, I really think you should consider updating the document :-)

:p.  It's there now, along with the following in the Declare section:

8   Command    DATCommandLine // Structure containing parameters from a single
8                             // DAT command-line.

Actually the color should also be a parameter to RenderFile. A transparent
file cannot be clipped. If you add
Color integer // current color

as a parameter, then you can add this before "OpenFile(ModelFile)":
  If 32 <= Color And Color <= 47 Then AccumClip = FALSE

I'm going to have to drop that bit again.  That test actually belongs in the
(undocumented) BFC() function.

Anybody want to write pseudo-code for BFC(), including both the tests that are
specific to the LDraw BFC Standard, and the general approach to BFC'ing?

and this after "Get Next Command":
  If Command.Color = 16 Then
     Command.Color = Color
     If Command.Color = 24 Then
        Command.Color = EdgeColor(CurColor)

and add Command.Color in the two calls to RenderFile.
Feel free to rename/recode, I hope you get the idea.

Got it.  The last bit is straying away from strict BFC-relevance (the colors 16
and 24), but I guess I can throw it in...

You're right that the last bit is not BFC relevant, you may remove it again.

Gee, thanks. ;)  It's too late, it's in now, so it's going to stay.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve Bliss wrote... (...) If IsTransparent(Color) Then AccumClip = FALSE takes care of solid non-16 colors (decorations) in parts used transparently. And a similar check added to BFC() can take care of transparent non-16 colors in parts used as (...) (24 years ago, 14-Dec-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve Bliss wrote in message ... (...) Remember BFC must be disabled for transparent parts. That's what If 32 <= Color And Color <= 47 Then AccumClip = FALSE takes care of. Frankly I can't think of any situations where double-sided sections are (...) (24 years ago, 10-Dec-99, to

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