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Re: Line in the Sand
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 00:10:02 GMT
1454 times
Steve Bliss wrote...
OK, we've been discussing how to best extend the LDraw language to
allow rendering engines to do backface-culling.  We've got a pretty
good agreement on most of what is needed.  I think it would be
productive, at this point, to work from a complete statement.  That
way, we all have a firm understanding of the disagreements. ;)

Good idea, it's hard to discuss in so many threads.

So I've written such a document.

Thank you for the well-written summary. Well-written because I agree with
99% of it ;)

This is a serious request for feedback, suggestions, criticisms,
additions, and arguments.  We are very close on this, let's finish it up!

Yes, too bad I'm off for an Internet-free :(  4-day week-end at the sea :)

Matrix Inversions.  Rendering engines will need to correct for • transformation
matrices which inadvertently invert the current file.  They will also need • to
allow for situations in which the matrix is deliberately inverted.

"the current file" should be "a subfile"

default: NOBFC

I think you should make it clear what "default" means:
1) absence of "0 CERTIFY", or
2) "0 CERTIFY" with no (or other) tags

Is the CERTIFY really necessary?
Presence of a CLIPPING ON should be enough.
Too many rules and required meta-commands increase the risk of forgetting

default: CCW

I don't think there should be a default. You should always specify either

So DOUBLESIDED should be accomplished by CLIPPING OFF?

The WINDING setting is a local setting, it applies only to the file in • which
the WINDING meta-statement appears.
The WINDING setting is a local setting, it applies only to the polygons in
the file in which the WINDING meta-statement appears.

default: renderer-dependent

Again I am uncertain what you mean by "default"...
You should always specify either ON or OFF.

Enables or disables clipping for the rendering.  Any number of CLIPPING
statements may appear in a file.  The current clip-setting is passed down • to
subfiles when they are referenced, giving superfiles some influence over • the
processing of subfiles.  However, the clip-setting is *not* passed back up
from the subfile to the superfile.

Also, you could stress that, CLIPPING ON in a file has no effect if
clipping is currently off.

The INVERT meta-statement is a flag, indicating to the renderer that the
following subfile reference has been intentionally inverted.  If the next
command-line is not a subfile reference, the INVERT is ignored.

The INVERT flag is required in addition to the actual inversion, which
occurs within the subfile command's transformation matrix.

The INVERT meta-statement is a flag, indicating to the renderer that the
following subfile reference should have its orientaion inverted, i.e. the
inside/outside definition should be swapped.
If the next command-line is not a subfile reference, the INVERT is ignored.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) Sometimes, life just sucks. ;) Have a great weekend! (...) OK. (...) Both of these. (0 CERTIFY with no tags would be a syntax error, IMO.) (...) Define necessary. ;) CERTIFY is not absolutely required, but it is logical and useful. The other (...) (25 years ago, 21-Oct-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Line in the Sand
OK, we've been discussing how to best extend the LDraw language to allow rendering engines to do backface-culling. We've got a pretty good agreement on most of what is needed. I think it would be productive, at this point, to work from a complete (...) (25 years ago, 20-Oct-99, to

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