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 CAD / Development / 3208
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Re: Line in the Sand
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 17:45:03 GMT
2632 times
On Mon, 8 Nov 1999 16:38:50 GMT, Rui Martins <> wrote:

UNKNOWN = winding direction is unknown or variable.  This setting will
disable clipping, until the winding is reset.

Using someones expression, the UNKNOWN is 'syntatic sugar', because this
will be implemented internally as CLIPPING OFF.
If the user want's to inform that the 'winding' is not known,
then he can make a regular comment, and use CLIPPING OFF

This sounds correct, but do we want to eliminate this
syntactic sugar?

why not ?
Could you give a good reason !

Yes.  WINDING UNKNOWN allows a DAT author to specify what is happening in the
file more precisely than CLIPPING OFF.  Adding WINDING DOUBLE-SIDED would allow
even more author-precision, but there is no practical difference between

There is a slight practical difference between WINDING UNKNOWN and CLIPPNG OFF
-- WINDING is a file-specific setting; the file's author can assume that they
always know the current WINDING setting.  CLIPPING is passed down the reference
branch, and the current file should make *as few* assumptions about the CLIPPING
setting as possible.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve Bliss wrote... (...) the (...) allow (...) OFF (...) they (...) reference (...) CLIPPING (...) Good point! (...) Or you could write: 0 CERTIFY BFC | 0 CERTIFY NOBFC 0 WINDING CW | 0 WINDING CCW | 0 WINDING UNKNOWN (I don't think "0 WINDING" (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
(...) Agreed, it's logical. Should is too strong ! not like must, but strong anyway. (...) of course, but all files start on one root, if that is no BFC certified, than no acceleration. (...) but a certified part can have sub parts not certified ! (...) (24 years ago, 8-Nov-99, to

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