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 CAD / Development / 3342
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Re: Line in the Sand
Sat, 27 Nov 1999 02:48:25 GMT
1828 times
In, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:


Still discussing <>.

I posted a new version, with the short-form syntax, to


My comments/changes will be preceded by a "J".

Subfile.  A DAT file referenced from another file, via a linetype 1 command.
Or any file which is lower in the file-reference tree than the current file.

J Or any file which is the subfile of the current file (or thus of any of its
J subfiles).

Er, OK.  I'll put that in, but it seems redundant.

1 Subpart.  A DAT file which is only a portion of a complete element.  Does
4         CERTIFY
4            Certified = (Command.Option = "BFC")
4         CLIPPING
4            LocalClip = (Command.Option = "ON")

J What does this "Command.Option" stuff mean?

It means that I stuffed in the pseudo-code without rewriting the syntax-specific
sections. :(


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand
Steve: (...) My comments/changes will be preceded by a "J". [...] Subfile. A DAT file referenced from another file, via a linetype 1 command. Or any file which is lower in the file-reference tree than the current file. J Or any file which is the (...) (24 years ago, 25-Nov-99, to

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