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  Re: Removed BFC in LDView 4.1
(...) Yes, thanks! Beside this I mailed my questions to Travis and he answered me the same. So this discussion could be closed. Joerg Sommerer [Brickaneer] (12 years ago, 10-Jan-12, to
  Re: Removed BFC in LDView 4.1
(...) Hi Joerg, LDView toolbar is now user configurable, and its default setting now targets general public audience. Right click on the toolbar, and choose "customize" to configure it for your needs. Otherwise I'd suggest you join the new LDraw (...) (12 years ago, 10-Jan-12, to
  Removed BFC in LDView 4.1
I've installed the LDView 4.1 and found that BFC is removed from the toolbar (see the LDView history at (URL) I can see the BFC only if I choose it in the geometry preferences or in a preference set. What's the reason for the removal? Is there a (...) (12 years ago, 9-Jan-12, to
  Re: RPG Maker tests...
In this example, you can walk around the map and look at the buildings, but there are no quests or dialogue as of yet. I was able to implement the "parallaxing" so the representation of Datsville is much closer to reality. You can download the (...) (12 years ago, 8-Jan-12, to

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