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 CAD / Development / 3219
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Re: Line in the Sand
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 23:23:18 GMT
2916 times
Steve Bliss wrote...
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:44:17 GMT, "Lars C. Hassing" <> wrote:
The CERTIFY section:
operational command-line in the file.  No other statements are required for
backface culling to be applied to a file.

Then please add:

CERTIFY BFC doesn't imply CLIPPING ON -- the clipping mode/setting comes from
the superfile (for the main model-file, clipping is set by the rendering engine
or an explicit CLIPPING ON statement).

But it *does* imply CLIPPING ON. Otherwise clipping would be off.
Remember, CLIPPING ON cannot turn clipping on if turned off in a
If you render the part alone (just to view the single part) the CERTIFY
should enable clipping just like an explicit CLIPPING ON statement,
which you mentioned yourself above.

WINDING CCW is the default for files, as stated in the section for WINDING.
CERTIFY doesn't imply CCW winding at all--if a file started with these two


... the winding should be CW, right?

Well, it depends on what you mean by "operational command-line" in
"Every clippable file must include exactly one CERTIFY meta-statement,
and it must appear before the first operational command-line in the file."

It could also be an error if the CERTIFY is not first!

UNKNOWN = winding direction is unknown or variable.  This setting will
disable clipping, until the winding is reset.

The WINDING setting is a local setting, it applies only to the polygons in
the file in which the WINDING meta-statement appears.

"...This setting will disable clipping..." - I hope readers do not confuse
this with CLIPPING OFF. Although the next sentence says WINDING is local,
it should be made clear that clipping is not turned off for subfiles.
Can you think of a better wording of the two sentences?
Also there should be some words about using 0 CLIPPING OFF for a
double-sided section of a file.

Ergh.  Thank you for pointing this out.  I had not thought through all the
implications of the WINDING UNKNOWN (maybe WINDING NONE?) setting.

My intention was that WINDING UNKNOWN *would* disable clipping for subfiles, but
that is obviously *not* the way the document is written, and making things work
that way would be non-elegant.  Then again, it seems counter-productive to
require part-authors to use both WINDING UNKNOWN and CLIPPING OFF when they make
use of subfiles in a non-compliant or double-sided section.

Part-authors only have to use CLIPPING OFF, as it turns off clipping
for both local polygons (i.e. WINDING UNKNOWN is not needed) as well
as polygons in subfiles.

Maybe it would be better to drop WINDING UNKNOWN and specify that the default
value for CLIPPING is ON.  File authors would use CLIPPING OFF for double-sided
or non-compliant sections of code.  Note that the CLIPPING default would really
only effect the main file in a rendering, because superfiles would pass down
their clip-setting to subfiles.

Curent_Clip = Local_Clip and Super_File_Clip

Making this change would bring us closer to a consensus, it would simplify the
spec and keep it clean, and would eliminate overlapping and potentially
confusing functions.


We could just make a file which steps through each of the primitives, including
an orientation vectors.  Something like (the first arrow is not right):

0 Primitive Reference
0 WRITE 1-4CON1.DAT 1/4 Cone Section 1:2 Radius, Scale: 10x
1 16 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 1-4con1.dat
2 24 -10 5 0 -30 5 0
3 24 -30 5 0 -25 5 2.5 -25 5 -2.5
0 WRITE 4-4DISC.DAT Full Disc, (X,Z)= (-1 to 1, -1 to 1), Scale: 10x
1 16 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 4-4disc.dat
2 24 0 0 0 0 -30 0
3 24 0 -30 0 -2.5 -25 0 2.5 -25 0
0 etc, etc

Then we could just add new primitives as they appear.  Kind of awkward to view,
but it could be a way to proceed.

Though I think it is always better to place the information where it
belongs, your PRIMREF.DAT is a brilliant idea - scaling fixed too!
It looks good (nice arrows) and uses the tools we already have.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Line in the Sand  [DAT]
On Wed, 10 Nov 1999 00:44:17 GMT, "Lars C. Hassing" <> wrote: Still discussing (URL) (...) Yes, but the 0 CERTIFY ( BFC | NOBFC ) format is more common. And it emphasizes that is one statement with various parameters. And it's less (...) (24 years ago, 10-Nov-99, to

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