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Re: Mini-Fig Survey
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 10:30:58 GMT
436 times
Leah Cardaci wrote:

Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had
two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms
to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have
given a name, a background, or a personality. A fig is, well, a fig.

1. What is the first character you remember creating?

being recently awakened from a dark age, the first character that I created is
still sitting on my stereo: Sir Tetsukaze, the Samurai Knight.

2. Of your current characters, which did you build first? Last?

Like I said, the first is Sir Tetsukaze, and the most recent is Maxxus
Runetwister, apprentice to Willa the Witch (I'm in the middle of the Fright
Knights series, so sure me :P)

3. Do you have clear “good” and “bad” characters, or is it all relative?

I'm an old-fashioned guy, so my good guys are GOOD, and my bad guys are BAD!!!

4. Have you ever built a MOC specifically for a pre-existing character?

Yes: Tetsukaze's keep, that was awarded to him for loyal service by the king.
The actual name is in japanese, but when translated it means "pile of stones"
Which is how Tetsu sees most non-asian castles...

5. How many custom (non-standard assembly) castle figs do you have? How
many have some bit of a background, or a personality?

Right now, about a half dozen. Most of them have names and some story behind

6. Which Castle subtheme has the best figs?
Hmmm, tough question. Right now, I'd have to say Fright Knights, if for all the
variation in bodies and faces.

7. Is there a type of fig you find easy to make? A type you find difficult?

I don't have much problems putting figs together, but figuring out what works is
sometimes not so easy...

8. Have you ever bought a set just for the figs?

Heck yeah! I personally wish that TLC would release big $50 sets of nothing BUT

9. Which non-Castle theme is the best source of Castle compatible figs?

Star Wars, without a doubt: Good for capes, hoods, 'glowing' bits, unique heads,
just about everything!

10. Is making a background and/or personality for a fig something you find
simple, or challenging?

Once I have a good fig put together, their backgrounds and stories just seem to
write themselves. I've never had much of a problem in that area...

Message is in Reply To:
  Mini-Fig Survey
Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have given a name, a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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