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 Castle / 8006
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Re: Mini-Fig Survey
Fri, 2 Mar 2001 00:01:31 GMT
503 times
In lugnet.castle, Leah Cardaci writes:
1. What is the first character you remember creating?

Hmmm. I had an Octan girl, she didn't have a name, but she and her husband
(and octan guy with a red cap - both of them actually stock characters in
the Octan gas'n'wash set) ran a whole line of Octan stations, restaurants
and hotels. ;-)

If you're asking castle, then the first one was Felix; the second was Scar.

2. Of your current characters, which did you build first? Last?

Felix is still semi-exsitant, but I think Scar qualifies better, since she
is actively involved in... stuff.

The last one would be... Emmy and Benny, both created around the same
time... both are Daphne's childhood friends.

3. Do you have clear “good” and “bad” characters, or is it all relative?

Totally, totally relative, with a few exceptions (Gareth being a clear-cut
good exception, for example).

4. Have you ever built a MOC specifically for a pre-existing character?

Yes, basically all of my complete MOCs have been around my stories.

5. How many custom (non-standard assembly) castle figs do you have? How
many have some bit of a background, or a personality?

Figs: Way too many to count.
Characters: around twenty to thirty, maybe forty if you count suppporting
characters with less intricate bgs.

6. Which Castle subtheme has the best figs?

Tough one. I would probably say KK, for great faces and torsos, but the
problem is, there aren't any "grunt" soldiers there, so second place is RK.

7. Is there a type of fig you find easy to make? A type you find difficult?

A type of *fig*? I'm not sure. Peasants come easily, although I try to make
them unique. Soldiers are a bit more difficult, I try to make a good,
reasonable design for different factions of my army.

8. Have you ever bought a set just for the figs?

YES. And I don't know if it was foolish or wise. But I paid the $90 for
6091, and the results are Scar, Siffera, Cleo, Marck, Franz...

Also SW sets are awesome for figs. But the pieces there arte usually pretty
good, too.

Actually, I find myself more and more looking at other-theme sets solely for
their figs, and that's dangerous, since I don't have that kind of money to

9. Which non-Castle theme is the best source of Castle compatible figs?

Undoubtly, SW.

10. Is making a background and/or personality for a fig something you find
simple, or challenging?

Both at the same time. A random background is easier; one that somehow ties
into my story is much harder. I love the challange of creating someone new
that works in with everything. But like Leah, sometimes it all just flows
together and makes sense, too.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Mini-Fig Survey
(...) Interestingly enough, I found that I could count about 2,300 minifigures in about 90 minutes just last night. (Couldn't sleep and wanted to organize castle stuff.) (...) Wow, you and I have exactly the opposite view on KK. :) I think the (...) (23 years ago, 2-Mar-01, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Mini-Fig Survey
Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have given a name, a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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