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 Castle / 7980
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Re: Mini-Fig Survey
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 13:31:40 GMT
474 times
In lugnet.castle, Leah Cardaci writes:
1. What is the first character you remember creating?

Hmmm, that would probably be one of the various minifig "me"s that I've made;
most likely from Town.

2. Of your current characters, which did you build first? Last?

Auld Dragon was my first, but he started out as my Castle minifig "me."  :)
Last would prolly be...  hmmm...  I'm not to sure, actually...  Probably my
Brik Wars Champion.  :)

3. Do you have clear “good” and “bad” characters, or is it all relative?

Yep, but other characters fall in between.

4. Have you ever built a MOC specifically for a pre-existing character?

Yes, my still unfinished Caer Gwynnyd.  :)

5. How many custom (non-standard assembly) castle figs do you have? How
many have some bit of a background, or a personality?

hmmm...  I probably have around 250 custom figs, including soldiers.  Of that,
probably 40-50 have some bit of background.

6. Which Castle subtheme has the best figs?

I'd probably have to say Forestmen, although I like figs from pretty much all
subthemes.  :)

7. Is there a type of fig you find easy to make? A type you find difficult?

Soldiers and Knights are easy.  I probably have 20-30 custom knights with no
names or history.  The Hardest?  Not really sure.  I usually make a fig, then
name it, rather than try to make a fig to fit a specific role...

8. Have you ever bought a set just for the figs?

Of course, the minifig packs.  ;D  Besides that, just about every Castle set
I'v gotten duplicates of that *didn't* have castle wall pieces.  ;)  Not to
mention a bunch of sets from other themes.

9. Which non-Castle theme is the best source of Castle compatible figs?

Gotta go with Star Wars.  :)

10. Is making a background and/or personality for a fig something you find
simple, or challenging?

I can't really say.  My first bit of written history of any of the figs was my
"History of Dragonia," in which I tried to include all my major players.


Message is in Reply To:
  Mini-Fig Survey
Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have given a name, a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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