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 Castle / 7963
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Re: Mini-Fig Survey
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 14:23:13 GMT
641 times
In lugnet.castle, Leah Cardaci writes:

1. What is the first character you remember creating?

King Arthur, king and knight of the round table.

2. Of your current characters, which did you build first? Last?

Lord Ulmerad was first, and Lord Daravon was almost created at the same time.
My last character to build was Drakon the Whirlwind and his dragoons.

3. Do you have clear “good” and “bad” characters, or is it all relative?

A little from column A, a little from column B.

4. Have you ever built a MOC specifically for a pre-existing character?

I've built my large castle MOCs with my characters in mind, so I suppose I

5. How many custom (non-standard assembly) castle figs do you have? How
many have some bit of a background, or a personality?

Well, I have somewhere in the ball park of 150 at least.

6. Which Castle subtheme has the best figs?

I'd say its a tie for me, between three series.  For basic foot soldiers it's
hands down Knights Kingdom.  For knights, however, it's a tie between the
Crusader's series and LEGO's first castle series of the late 70's.

7. Is there a type of fig you find easy to make? A type you find difficult?

The only fig I really find hard to make are those who need a rare part, such as
a helm from the first castle series.  Other than that I'm not too picky in
mixing and matching parts, with the notable exception of faces.

8. Have you ever bought a set just for the figs?

I've probably bought 80% of my LEGO sets for the figs/fig parts.

9. Which non-Castle theme is the best source of Castle compatible figs?

While Star Wars is the top of the list, my personal opinion is that they all
are when it comes to just faces.  Personally I find that finding a good face
for a character is the hardest part in designing one.

10. Is making a background and/or personality for a fig something you find
simple, or challenging?

Well, since I have 82 different characters, I suppose it would be simple for
me.  I have no problem whatsoever churning out backgrounds and personalities
for my characters, but when it comes to names I fall flat on my face.


Message is in Reply To:
  Mini-Fig Survey
Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have given a name, a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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