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 Castle / 7967
7966  |  7968
Re: Mini-Fig Survey
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 19:59:19 GMT
497 times
1. What is the first character you remember creating?

Either Batman or Indiana Jones (waaaaaay before Adventurers came about).

2. Of your current characters, which did you build first? Last?

First: Prince Fast, leader of my elves/Forestmen.
Last: Major Domo, military strategist to the King.

3. Do you have clear “good” and “bad” characters, or is it all relative?

Mainly well-defined, with a few "shades-of-grey" characters for good measure
(noble thieves, mercenaries, and the like).

4. Have you ever built a MOC specifically for a pre-existing character?

My characters are always made long before I build any MOC's for them (in
fact, my current figs have been around for a good few years now, and I still
haven't gotten around to making a castle for them!).

5. How many custom (non-standard assembly) castle figs do you have? How
many have some bit of a background, or a personality?

If you mean "custom" in the sense of "not found in any official set", then
all of them (200ish)! My only "custom" figure in the "took a knife to a
brick" sense is my executioner, Carn, whose hood is a wingless Batlord
helmet. Around 50% of my characters have backgrounds, the rest being generic

6. Which Castle subtheme has the best figs?

Fright Knights (not counting Witches, of course!).

7. Is there a type of fig you find easy to make? A type you find difficult?

Easy: soldiers.
Difficult: Wizards that don't all look alike.

8. Have you ever bought a set just for the figs?

All the time.

9. Which non-Castle theme is the best source of Castle compatible figs?

Tie between Star Wars and Pirates.

10. Is making a background and/or personality for a fig something you find
simple, or challenging?

Simple, really, although I confess that *original* characters are hard to
come by; most of my figures' histories are ripped off / amalgamated from
assorted fantasy novels, films, and comics.

Message is in Reply To:
  Mini-Fig Survey
Hi everybody. :-) I thought it would be fun to have a mini-fig survey. I had two different things in mind for this survey, so I used two different terms to better express what I was asking. A “character” is a fig that you have given a name, a (...) (23 years ago, 27-Feb-01, to lugnet.castle)

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