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 Lenny McKee Hoffman / characters /

This is a list of all major leaders and players in Caeric politics.
  • Caeric society is tribal. There are four major sedentary tribes (people who farm) and one nomadic tribe. Tribes themselves are subdivided into clans, usually three or more.

  • Tribal chieftains are called “melkyas” (nomadic: syzkya), clanic chiefs are “mels” (syz). Both mels and melkyas are chosen from amongst their own clan or tribe by a council of all warriors, called a jirga. Unlike a quriltay, the jirga does not need to be unanimous.

  • The supreme position is the “qan” (khan or king), and is chosen by a qurlitay. The qurlitay is a council of all melkyas and mels of all five tribes, and their decision must be unanimous. Any dissension can be solved by the principle of vassalage. If any group defeats another group and kills their leader, the first group has the right to appoint a new leader for the group, and thus control their vote on the qurlitay. Obviously this method has the potential to turn quickly into civil war, which is why there has been no Caeric qan in several centuries.


The Lonsans invaded Copecaer fifty years ago, and have firmly held it since then. However, Copecaer is only the southern, continental portion of Caerany, and therefore denies the Lonsans the ability to proclaim a qan. The Lonsans are an extreme minority, but this is offset by the Northern Army, which is the most powerful armed force in the region.


The Abhavans are centered in Coplton and Glen Daerndd, and are the descendents of the ancient qans.


The Shivans are centered in Glen Caer, and are the protectors of the Temple of the Eternal Flame.


The Qi live in Qinxu, in the cities Mingxu and Kyamitsu.


The Oel live in the island city of Oelia, as well as inhabit farms on the island Aeulied. They are the major power on the seas.


The Durgans are nomads who wander throughout Caerany. Their mobility and familiarness with a rough life make them formidible enemies.

non major tribes, and other minorities

The Jom

The Jom are an unorganized, unrecognized tribe of Wopples, the people living on the western most isle of Caerany. The Jom are semi-nomadic and have a very low population. Woppleland (their island) is cut off from the mainland, and is rarely visited by other Caers, and so the Jom have no real political importance at all.

Abidians and Iudi

Abidia is on eastern coastline of Copecaer, on the other side of the Faern Mountains. The area was colonized by Iudi, barbarians from across the Inner Ocean. The Abids are peaceful, seafaring people, and usually try to leave the continent alone. Iudi traders (from Ombadinu, across the Inner Ocean), on the other hand, are an important minority in Oelia especially, but also in any coastal Caeric town. They are easily recognized by their unusual costumes.

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