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This week’s review is set 6088 Ninja Robber’s Retreat.
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This review was written for the week of June 2nd to the 9th.

   * Overall Model:

* Parts Selection:

* Color Scheme:

* Function

* Alternate Models:

* Model score? =







Another one of lego company’s renegade models, the Ninja Robber’s Retreat resembles a ramshackle house situated on an outcropping, not necessarily the most elegant of a hidaway...but then again, this was really not expected of the successful ninja theme!

Now, from just looking at the model from about a meter, I can’t exactly say it’s a paragon to other sets from the same genre, as the prospect of a robber’s hudeaway is to hide and to meld into the countryside, not remain stunningly obvious. The model itself seems situated on a few large ‘filler’ pieces without any actual discernable structure besides the front gates and central tower. In fact, no passage besides a vine can be seen leading to the tower, giving me the impression that it was either hastily constructed by lego corp, or simply poorly planned...maybe both. The only merit to the structure I can perceive is its outrageous design, which really could catch the eye from a distance. However, a potential remedy for this rating would have been for lego corp to skimp on the larger elements and attept to replicate the look of a small hideaway situated on a rocky outcropping by scrapping the tower and raarranging certain pieces for a tangible and presentable look.

Of course, tearing away the scales from this model, I was quite surprised to find a decent assortment of bricks, plates and other assorted goodies, although the includion of larger pieces sort of degrades the model in regards to its inventory value. Regardless, the prevalence of rar green sloped elements, frontal gates, tiles ornamental accentuations, weapons, ensigns and a formidable defense make for an excellent medley of parts. It seems only in these terms, the model rings as stellar.

However, with all positive points to parts, lego corp once again failed terribly at capturing the percect color scheme for a shelter supposedly ‘concealed’ in a rocky outcropping. The use of green and red elements seems only to attribute to it a festive and rather inappropriate look, which I believe could have been very much remedied if those parts were instead replaced with assorted light grey.

OF course with all robber’s hideaways, it would be apparently obvious that a wide variety of traps and snares would be set up for the oblivious intuder, but surprisingly, only a few were included, composed of a small catapult, a trigger for falling rocks and a series of swinging swords to hack down encroaching units. (the rock trigger, however, looked pretty obvious. If I were an invading ninja and surveyed a tower without much of an entrance, I’d immediately think ‘hmm, this looks suspicious’. Maybe some of these ninjas are considered poorly trained. (heck, go with that opinion, if you want.) Otherwise, lego placed on the model its ‘standard’ features suh as opening doors and rotating wheels, which aren’t the most noteworthy, but still nice features.

However, in terms of alternate models, the Ninja Robber’s retreat hits the mark in a stunning and unpredictable fashion, due to its stellar assortment of conponents. The typical creaton here could possibly range from a fortified defense post to an oriental manor gateway, or even a battlement on its own respect. Other such structures could possibly include a commanding post for a small battillion, or a modest training facility. However, for optimal building, I could hwolheartedly suggest combining this model with the Flying Ninja’s Fortress, although that might warrant scrapping the green parts.

On finalization, I could not exactly reccommend this model to the casual collector, although to the modeller, this is a sure fire solution to a lack of slopes and the like. Most likely, though, this set would definitely please ninja fans.

My suggestions? You may feel compelled to purchase these in significant quantities for the additional ninja forces!
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