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This week’s review is set 6046 Hemlock Stronghold.
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The review for 6046 was written for the week of March 24th to April 1st.

   * Overall Model:

* Parts Selection:

* Color Scheme:

* Function

* Alternate Models:

* Model score? =







It seems whenever a glance is cast towardss this set, the hemlock’s fortress always gets looked over in favour of the more prominent castle sets, but why exactly?

I’ll explain this in some detail.

Although the hemlock stronghold is a useful set, the whole ‘look on the inside’ favor comes into mind here. So it’s not all aesthetics, but form is prominent, and that counts immensely. As any small stronghold, included are a small arms cache and an overlook, although a point of access to the overlook cannot be found. Hmm? The model seems rather bare at first, but it was a viable effort.

But playing true to the inner details, this set is an excellent source for basic parts to including a variety of arches, assorted plates, formation pieces and a small arsenal of weapons. An excellent inventory supplement if you can get them cheaply.

But the color scheme of this model seems lackluster and forgettable. With a palette of light grey, black and brown thrown together, the model struggles to catch the eye, although the top postion was done rather nicely. I would have preferred to see more brown and green pieces towards the middle and bottom to give it an organic look.

And taking function into consideration, this model excells rather nicely, and can be plainly seen by the use of tiles for the sliding structural rock pieces to reveal the cache. Other interesting functions include a revolving and launching catapult and a folding entrance to the dungeon, giving it much playability.

To finalize, with the inclusion of a wide array of structural parts, building alternate models should be of little difficulty. We’ve seen it time and time again, add foliage and arch pieces and you’re set.

My suggestions? If you have the funds, definitely procure one for the pieces.
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