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This week’s review is set 6038 Wolfpack Renegades.
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This review was written for the week of June 17th to the 23rd.

   * Overall Model:

* Parts Selection:

* Color Scheme:

* Function

* Alternate Models:

* Model score? =







Another small yet armed to the teeth model, the Wolfpack Renegades captures the essence of rag-tag vagrancy that many roads and undeveloped areas exhibited. This is especially noted through all of the weapons just slung over the coach, although why these two robbers are smiling...well, that’s a question this review will probably not answer.

Examining the model, I was surprised to find that despite its size, there are actually a good deal of interesting features. Some of these include a trunk compartment, a hidden underside (to store god knows what) and clips for a slew of weapons.

Of course, It wasn’t very surprised to find a variety of basic elements in this package, which consisted primarily out of plates, tiles and clips, not to mention a few bricks and axling parts. Not to be forgotten, this set is perfect for army building, with two soldiers, a horse and more than enough weapons to go around.

In overview, the color scheme was pretty much straightforward, bue, with black and some brown highlights, it seemed to me that LEGO really has a penchant for festive exteriors. I would have preferred to see the carriage in a brown/ dark grey and black scheme as a darker color would suggest the model as more sinister and vicious, not to mention that the darker values would keep it congruent to deep forests and for night travel.

Function wouldn’t be immediately perceived, but looking through the set it was surprising to say that I found more than I expected. Aside from the rotating front axle and wheels of the carriage, several hinges on the storage bed could swing open to reveal a hidden compartment. (probably for transporting illegal goods or fugitive officials.)

In terms of building alternate models, most of the creations will probably range from carts, although I did manage to create a model particlly resembling an old model T ford. Still, I’d reccommend mixing this model with a Kings Carriage for optimal results.

On finalization, I would definitely reccommend the set to wither the casual builder or the collector since it has a surprising deal of features. This is definitely not worth passing up!

My suggestions? This model is definitely worth the price, parts or not, it’s a testament to thje glory of the wolfpack. Hail!
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