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This week’s review is set 6034 Black Monarch’s Ghost.
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This review was written for the week of July 7th to the 13th

   * Overall Model:

* Parts Selection:

* Color Scheme:

* Function

* Alternate Models:

* Model score? =







A small modular addition to lego’s Black Knight’s expansion, the black monarch’s ghost exists as more of an accessory than an actual set, given its minscule size, and could probably be arranged in units to form the sides of a castle gate or battlement.)

A negligable base or trick entryway to sway the attention of incoming hostile forces, the model is built on a small plate, two turret sections and an entryway to give it a solid feel. As well fortifications, a fully armoured/ mounted soldier and a ghostly unit flank the model.

Included with the package is a small, but nonetheless useful myriad of structural elements such as a few basic bricks, some turret sections, two curved entryway doors with hinges and a small assortment of accessory pieces. I would consider this model more of an armed force supplementary set, given the horse, range of weapons and a fully armored knight ready at the call to action.

Considering the color scheme, the model follows the standard mysterious and dismal setup of the black knight’s expansion, giving it an imposing, yet crude feel.

As a small set, I really couldn’t expect more out of it regarding function, excet to say, possibly the rotation of the two turret sections to allow for an unseen entrance, or a small trigger to send the ghost careening through the doors towards any invader of curious traveller.

Taking alternative building into consideration, the Black Monarch’s Ghost really wouldn’t suffice well on its own unless it was to be combined with a larger model, such as Knight’s Stronghold.

On finalization, I found this set to be a rather useful addition to the Black Knights expansion, but rather useless as a model on its own, being more oriented towards the ‘accessory set’ category.

My suggestions? I would reccommend purchasing this set in large quantities if you’re looking for appurtenances to supplement pre 1990’s castle models.
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