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This week’s review is set 6047 Prisoner’s Transit.
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This review was written for the week of June 31st to July 6th

   * Overall Model:

* Parts Selection:

* Color Scheme:

* Function

* Alternate Models:

* Model score? =







Definitely not matching the common description of a transport cart (or for any reasonably decorated one for that matter) and developing a bad reputation for its outrageous style, the prisoner’s cart no doubt just can not seem to amble ahead of some of the more distinguished cart models. And, being such a clunker of a set, breaks an axle in the ratings.)

A small and relatively sturdy model based on a few plates and complete with a driver’s ‘compartment’, the model looks eye catching and complex from a distance, although close up, is less than thought. However, from every vantage angle, the cart is laced with interesting accentuations ranging from two halberds to sloping roofs, chains and wings, giving it s very unique, albeit foreign, feel. However, I found many of them to be detractive and ill-placed to the model, giving it an unrefined look.

Included with the package is a surprising array of structural elements, such as arches, slopes, cylinders, inverted arches and the ever-useful basic bricks. Not to mention that, and an asortment of plates, axles, weapons and 1x4 poles. Although not strongly equipped militarily, some notable elements include the decorative horse barding, chrome sword and imperial knight, making it at least halfway useful for a Cavalry starter kit.

Color scheme considered, this model is possibly one of the more atrocious out of Lego’s cart line, as red and light grey just do not seem to function properly, especially for a cart which would traverse about in the open. For a more sinister and wicked look, I would have rather seen the light grey swapped out for black, the yellow entirely discarded and touches of transsparent red added about.

As a small cart, I found function to be largely unplaced, save for the backing which could easily open (making an incarceration of the prisoner more of a joke than all else), and the moving hitch for the dragon, which is hardly noteworthy. Lacking immensely, this model could definitely use a revamp in this category.

Considering alternative building, this set could easily accomplish the task with its parts at hand, but I just could not visualize anyhing besides a cart of a small mobile outpost, and even then, would appear largely crude and unrefined. I’d suggest combining this model with a Dark Dragon’s Den for some widespread alternative building.

In an overview, I found this model to be a rather unfavorable, making it really only of interest to the completist, the ever curious or anyone who needs a quick supply of structural elements. In terms of inventory, any other modestly sized castle would provide a much more appreciative array of parts for a similar price.

My suggestions? Please avoid this model at all costs.
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