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Re: Strengthening Gears
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 14:39:14 GMT
3319 times
Ultimately, I would suggest that if anyone wants to try to de-stress a Lego
gear or anything like that, they should first test on a piece they can afford
to lose.

Been there, done that :)

I think the gears are made of one kind of plastic (nylon?), axels
another and bricks a third (ABS).

Upon my searching through the Internet I've found a lot of pages about

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Strengthening Gears
Hi Louis, (and all), I certainly don't dispute your explanation of the casting process, not at all - in fact I found it interesting to read about the cooling process. However, all the RC-10-family cars I've ever owned were made of nylon. At least (...) (22 years ago, 7-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

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