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 Technic / 6923
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Re: Melting Point of ABS (Re: Strengthening Gears)
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 03:48:30 GMT
5630 times
IIRC, ABS is a thermoset plastic.  The first time you melt it it's workable
at a relatively low temp and solidifies nicely, but heating it again won't
melt it, only deform it and finally burn it : (
Ross Crawford <> wrote in message

My guess would be 109C may be more likely - I'd be surprised if they could • mold
it at 109F. I'm guessing my bad experience with the heater was well over • 109F
(they were quite close to it), and they didn't "flow" anywhere near enough • that
I'd expect they'd need for molding.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Melting Point of ABS (Re: Strengthening Gears)
(...) That explains it. And it smells pretty bad too - that's what alerted me when I had my "accident". ROSCO (22 years ago, 6-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)
  Re: Melting Point of ABS (Re: Strengthening Gears)
(...) No, it's thermoplastic. But too much heat, or even localized hot spots, can scorch it and make it unusable. (22 years ago, 6-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Melting Point of ABS (Re: Strengthening Gears)
(...) My guess would be 109C may be more likely - I'd be surprised if they could mold it at 109F. I'm guessing my bad experience with the heater was well over 109F (they were quite close to it), and they didn't "flow" anywhere near enough that I'd (...) (22 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

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