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Re: Strengthening Gears
Thu, 7 Mar 2002 20:06:53 GMT
2644 times
Hello all,

May be I can help a bit with this conversation, I work in plastic
injection moulds, when injecting ABS it becomes stressed cause
of the path it must take to fill the cavity of the mould, when ejected
from the mould, the parts are supposed to fall in a tub of water to
cool them down slowly, but this takes time, and time is money, so
not all of them do this, or do it but there is a lot of parts in the
water, when you do this on your own stove you cool them down
the right way, the best example I can give you is this, take a look
a R/C car parts, I had an RC/10 with a lot of parts made with ABS
once boiled in salted water or water with cloth die in it, the parts
where a little more flexible, the boiling takes the stress out of the
parts, that why they break less once boiled.

excuse the bad english, i'ts not my strong point.


Louis Raymond

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Strengthening Gears
Hi Louis, (and all), I certainly don't dispute your explanation of the casting process, not at all - in fact I found it interesting to read about the cooling process. However, all the RC-10-family cars I've ever owned were made of nylon. At least (...) (22 years ago, 7-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

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  Re: Strengthening Gears
A Mecha Shower a day keeps the autocannon bullits flying away. Legomaster (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

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