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Re: Strengthening Gears
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 13:39:27 GMT
3424 times
Plastic doesn't get stronger under heat-treatment.  This type of heat
treatment is used to control the crystallization of metals, and long-chain
polymers like plastic just don't behave like that.

If you need stronger gears, double them.  It is the axles that are the weak
point generally, though.

--Jack Gregory

Mark R. Nusekabel <> wrote in message
In lugnet.technic, Thomas Avery writes:
I recently received an email from someone about strengthening gears. This
person claims that by boiling the gears and then cooling them with cold
water, their strength will increase.

Has anyone tried this? What were your results?


This sounds like the basic technique for "tempering".  You've probably • heard
of tempered glass or tempered metal.  From what I remember, this just
changes the way the strength is handled in the material.  A normal • material
bends more instead of breaking.  A tempered material won't bend as much,
which gives the impression of it being stronger; however, it is more • likely
to shatter than a normal material.  Of course, if anyone is a materials
expert (I'm not) then feel free to set me straight here.  In any case,
google finds many hits on "tempered glass", but none on "tempered • plastic",
and there's probably a reason for that ;-).


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Strengthening Gears
(...) Yes, this is true. (...) Now that's quite a statement! I got an email yesterday from someone saying that the axles were the weak point too. I don't know how you're using your gears, but when something breaks in my models, it's the gears! (URL) (...) (22 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Strengthening Gears
(...) This sounds like the basic technique for "tempering". You've probably heard of tempered glass or tempered metal. From what I remember, this just changes the way the strength is handled in the material. A normal material bends more instead of (...) (22 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to lugnet.technic)

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