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 Castle / 7353
7352  |  7354
Re: Survey Time Again!!!
Sun, 14 Jan 2001 21:39:34 GMT
677 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've
compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-)  Now...the MOC survey.

I like this!

1.  What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember)

A two hinged waal section of a white-red castle. Still in shape, although
very likely to be breaked down sooner or later.

2.  How many MOC's (still standing) do you have?


3.  What MOC of your own is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
   (doesn't have to be three different MOCs)
My favorite is a little castle, momentaraly the home for my chess king.
My coolest is a wonderfull pirate ship i'm building.
I guess that's also the most intricate.

4.  What MOC of someone else's is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
I don't remember names very well, but i remember this huge red castle i've
seen a few months ago. Very, very impressive!

5.  What MOC has the best interior? (yours)
The chess king castle, although my pirate ship is competing!

6.  What MOC has the best interior? (someone else's)
I liked very much the pictures (and storyline) of Shiri's story.

7.  What small MOC (approx. 100 pieces or less) is your favorite?
A wooden easy chair (again in my chess king castle)

8.  Do you customize minifigs?
Not yest, but I'm considering making a monk with secret magical powers.

9.  If so, what's your favorite custom minifig? (your own)

10. Favorite custom fig? (someone else's)
I like the ones of Shiri (the one making spells) and i like the storyline
with figs of the Verneer story.


My answers:
[nap; not to be confused with ZNAP ;-)]

Message is in Reply To:
  Survey Time Again!!!
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-) Now...the MOC survey. 1. What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember) 2. How many MOC's (still standing) do you have? 3. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)  

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