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Re: Survey Time Again!!!
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 13:51:43 GMT
354 times
In article <>, Xcalabur <> wrote:
1.  What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember)

1/2 of a castle.

I never seem to finish my MOCs; I run out of bricks, then when I get more I
shred and redesign and rebuild something else I don't have enough bricks for.

2.  How many MOC's (still standing) do you have?

1/2. I'm due for a rebuild soon.

3.  What MOC of your own is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
   (doesn't have to be three different MOCs)

Right now, it's the Green Wizard's Tower. I had to move the pictures
offline (ought to get me a Brickshelf account). While it's not complete,
the landscape it's built on is some of the best I've done. It's built up
against a cliff face (booby-trapped to keep people from scaling down from
the top of the cliff), complete with waterfall, hills, paths, and such.
The outer walls aren't anything to write home about, but the inner keep (only
the first three floors are done) are well furnished. Since the pictures
I posted last time were shot I've added a few buildings to the inner yard,
notably half a smithy, half a barracks and half a tavern.

4.  What MOC of someone else's is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?

Couldn't say. There's too many different _sorts_ of MOCs to even list
favorites in each category.

5.  What MOC has the best interior? (yours)

See 3, above.

6.  What MOC has the best interior? (someone else's)

See 4, above.

7.  What small MOC (approx. 100 pieces or less) is your favorite?

Uh... Does my half-a-tavern count? It'd be over 100 pieces if I ever finished

8.  Do you customize minifigs?

Sort of.

9.  If so, what's your favorite custom minifig? (your own)

A Minotaur I did for a D&D game a while back.

10. Favorite custom fig? (someone else's)

Hm. Too many cool custom minifigs.

J.D. Forinash                                     ,-.                            ( <
The more you learn, the better your luck gets.    `-'

Message is in Reply To:
  Survey Time Again!!!
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-) Now...the MOC survey. 1. What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember) 2. How many MOC's (still standing) do you have? 3. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)  

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