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 Castle / 7346
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Re: Survey Time Again!!!
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 14:11:05 GMT
427 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
1.  What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember)

Something along the lines of the Great Wall, shortly after getting 6080 (my
first castle set-- prior to 1986 I only liked space sets...). I was amazed
after getting it at the amount of grey BRICKS that I suddenly had...
previously, grey plates I had in abundance, but VERY few actual grey
BRICKS... I was psyched...

2.  How many MOC's (still standing) do you have?

Castle MOC's? Hmm... I guess that depends on whether or not you call the
entire village a single MOC or not... Some of the standard houses have come
down, and some of the tan road has been uprooted, but otherwise it's still
together... And I've also got the gatehouse still up... So... 1.8 Castle
MOCs still standing?

Non-castle MOCS, just the AT-AT, a mech, part of a technic bicycle, and
everything I built for the Greenburg train show recently... so roughly 12 MOCs?

3.  What MOC of your own is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
   (doesn't have to be three different MOCs)

Well, I gotta go with the village for all 3...

4.  What MOC of someone else's is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?

Wow. It's REALLY hard to choose. Some of my favorites in all these categories:
-Ed Boxer's Castle (of course)
-Eric Brok's Frost Castle
-Eric Brok's Estuary Stronghold
-Dr. Carney's Castles, particularly Chillon, Caerlaverock, Conway, & Bastille
-Craig's Gregor Tower
-Pawel's Devil's Gap
-Dan Siskind's Bloodstone Castle

5.  What MOC has the best interior? (yours)

Tough to say since I haven't really done that many interiors :) Probably a
castle I built a couple years ago that never made it anywhere public...
Although it wasn't all that great...

6.  What MOC has the best interior? (someone else's)

Far and away, Ed Boxer's Castle. I mean WOW. Go look at it again. Really.
WOW. NOTHING I've ever seen in a castle MOC even begins to compare...

7.  What small MOC (approx. 100 pieces or less) is your favorite?

Hmm... tough call... I really got a kick out of Jeff's version of Dr.
Cornelius' mech.

8.  Do you customize minifigs?

Nope. I just switch around heads, legs, and the like (not as often arms, but

9.  If so, what's your favorite custom minifig? (your own)


10. Favorite custom fig? (someone else's)

1. Go to Craig's Pages.
2. Now click on a few random links.
3. Now pick a random custom fig on that page. *That's* my favorite one.
4. Repeat as necessary.


Message is in Reply To:
  Survey Time Again!!!
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-) Now...the MOC survey. 1. What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember) 2. How many MOC's (still standing) do you have? 3. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)  

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