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 Castle / 7340
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Re: Survey Time Again!!!
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 07:47:45 GMT
350 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've
compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-)  Now...the MOC survey.

1.  What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember)

Just about the first thing I built after coming out of my dark ages was an
early version of this:

I built it in our hotel room in London.  I think that's about when my wife
first began to understand what she'd started (by getting me back into Lego),
but by then it was too late... ;)

2.  How many MOC's (still standing) do you have?

None, right now. :/  Everything is apart and getting turned into train layout
material.  No new castles from me for a few months, I'm afraid. :(

3.  What MOC of your own is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
   (doesn't have to be three different MOCs)

My Monsterpiece:

4.  What MOC of someone else's is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?

Dr. Carney's castles.  All of them. :)  (if I have to pick one, then Chillon,

5.  What MOC has the best interior? (yours)

Monsterpiece again.  More specifically, I was happy with the inside of the

6.  What MOC has the best interior? (someone else's)

I was really impressed with Chris Gray's barracks building.

7.  What small MOC (approx. 100 pieces or less) is your favorite?

I think it's got too many pieces, but I'd have to say Shiri's microscale
village.  That thing rocks!

8.  Do you customize minifigs?

Ish.  Not really, just mixing and matching for the most part.

9.  If so, what's your favorite custom minifig? (your own)

My Mercenary Captain - but that's at least in part because the chainmail was a
surprise gift from one of my non-Lego friends. :)

10. Favorite custom fig? (someone else's)

Dunno.  I don't actually pay enough attention to the custom figs.


Message is in Reply To:
  Survey Time Again!!!
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-) Now...the MOC survey. 1. What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember) 2. How many MOC's (still standing) do you have? 3. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)  

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