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Re: Survey Time Again!!!
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 05:27:07 GMT
324 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've
compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-)  Now...the MOC survey.

1.  What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember)

I don't really remember what my *first* castle MOC was, but I remember
making several castles (not all castles; more like little fortresses) when I
was about 10 or 11.  I had a small cast of characters (giving the characters
the names of some of my friends) and I would act out live battles and
adventures with them.  Kinda like I'm doin' now :^)  When we get a scanner,
I promise I'll post some pictures.

2.  How many MOC's (still standing) do you have?

I'm taking apart Vincent's Stronghold (Valkayria Castle) now, so I can build
some other big things.  I've still got the Malevolence built, and there's
one other MOC that I've had sitting around for about 7 months that I will
show to you soon, maybe this weekend.

3.  What MOC of your own is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?
   (doesn't have to be three different MOCs)

I think the coolest one has to be the Malevolence.  The technology involved
in it gives it coolness points.  My favorite and most intricate has to be
Valkayria Castle.  Although I'll always have a special place in my heart for
my "Castle Ship" that was featured in an issue of Brick Kicks when I was 6.

4.  What MOC of someone else's is your favorite, coolest, and most intricate?

Oh wow.  That's a tough one.  I'd have to say most of Pawel's structures are
my favorites.  His was the first LEGO Castle page that I discovered on the
internet, and his structures inspired me to start in on all this.  I also
think that Craig's Gregor Tower is by far the most intricate.

5.  What MOC has the best interior? (yours)

I'm not much into interior decoration for my models, but I guess it'd be the
Malevolence, because it has a lot of detail in the engine room below deck.

6.  What MOC has the best interior? (someone else's)

Shiri's cabin for Rose and Daphne was really cool, as was Pawel's "Jubei's
House", I really liked that bed!

7.  What small MOC (approx. 100 pieces or less) is your favorite?

I have made a beast of some sort (don't know how many pieces) that will be
featured in my upcoming story.

8.  Do you customize minifigs?

Nope, I only rearrange their parts.

9.  If so, what's your favorite custom minifig? (your own)


10. Favorite custom fig? (someone else's)

I really like Memphisto, that red hair is awesome!

Thanks for the survey Chris and Shiri!

Message is in Reply To:
  Survey Time Again!!!
Hi all, with some suggestions from the survey queen herself, Shiri, I've compiled a survey (.castle needs some traffic ;-) Now...the MOC survey. 1. What was your first Castle MOC? (if you remember) 2. How many MOC's (still standing) do you have? 3. (...) (23 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to lugnet.castle)  

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