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 Star Wars / 5995
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Re: Gonk?
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:45:53 GMT
3261 times
Markus Wolf wrote:

Love the Gonk.  Thanks for the directions.  I always enjoyed making robots
when I was a kid.  If a part couldn't be used for anything else (airplane fin,
jetski handlebars, metal detector) it could always be used in a robot.

Hey, do we have that message archived from our own LUGNETter who has (and may be)
the original story of the "Gonk" name?  If it's any consolation, it now appears to
have official Lucasfilm sanction:  The recent Star Wars toys have such a droid
included with a figure, and it is indeed called a "Gonk" Droid on the package.



Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Gonk?
As far as I know, Gonk's name came from the RASSM (rec.arts.scifi.starwars.misc) ng. For those of you who aren't RASSM'ers (AKA rats, depending on personal preference), you're missing out on a lot of (sometimes) interesting (sometimes) wacky (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.starwars)
  Re: Gonk?
(...) (URL) If it's any consolation, it now appears to (...) Awright!!! --Todd (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.starwars)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gonk?
Love the Gonk. Thanks for the directions. I always enjoyed making robots when I was a kid. If a part couldn't be used for anything else (airplane fin, jetski handlebars, metal detector) it could always be used in a robot. (...) elegant (...) to (...) (24 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to lugnet.starwars)

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