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 Star Wars / 2795
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Re: Gonk?
Thu, 3 Jun 1999 19:13:56 GMT
2597 times
In lugnet.starwars, (Eric Kingsley) writes:
The 2x4 Gonk is a bit front heavy hence the tilt.  I decided to make a 2x3
version.  I was considering it anyway but your suggestion pushed me to it.  I
do like it just as well if not better.  I used a different color scheme and
took some pictures of it.  I added the new Gonk to my Gonk page...

I don't know what to call him though.  Gonk 2, Wee Gonk, Gink, Gonk Jr. ???

He also stands without a tilt.

I hope you all like it.

I love it!

I don't think he needs a different name, though, does he? -- Your 2x3 Gonk
is much closer to the "real" Gonk than your 2x4 Gonk is?  According to the
book droids book[1], Gonk's legs are equidistant from his front & back.
(But the book isn't necessarily canon -- I think in Ep4 the legs are a bit
further back -- and this is how he looks in _Trooper_Clerks_ as well.)


[1] _Star_Wars:_The_Essential_Guide_to_Droids_, pp. 106-107.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gonk?
(...) The 2x4 Gonk is a bit front heavy hence the tilt. I decided to make a 2x3 version. I was considering it anyway but your suggestion pushed me to it. I do like it just as well if not better. I used a different color scheme and took some pictures (...) (25 years ago, 3-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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