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 Star Wars / 2755
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Re: Gonk?
Wed, 2 Jun 1999 18:36:11 GMT
2044 times
Going off topic...   Silent Running is one of my favorite SciFi movies.  It
still shows up on the SciFi and other cable channels from time to time.
Great Movie...

$12.99 on VHS at and no Lego
$ 9.05 on VHS at  no Lego
$20.99 on DVD at  no Lego
$14.99 on DVD at  no Lego

Blockbuster or Hollywood video must have it in stock... but no Lego.

Steve Bliss wrote in message <>...
On Mon, 31 May 1999 16:45:59 GMT, "Todd Lehman" <> wrote:

I always thought the EG-6's looked like Huey, Dewie and Louie from _Silent
Running_.  OK, just dug up some SR info.  I guess there isn't that much
resemblance. <>.

I've got to find SR on video somewhere.  I don't think I've seen it since
before Star Wars came out.  Well, maybe since Return of the Jedi.  Either
way, it's been too long.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Gonk?
(...) I always thought the EG-6's looked like Huey, Dewie and Louie from _Silent Running_. OK, just dug up some SR info. I guess there isn't that much resemblance. (URL). I've got to find SR on video somewhere. I don't think I've seen it since (...) (25 years ago, 2-Jun-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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