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 Castle / 17024
17023  |  17025
Re: Castle Fun
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 18:00:05 GMT
929 times
Well I've finally gotten around to doing this. Here are my answers

What is your name?
=Steve Bishop

How old are you?
=I'm 24

What does real life mean for you?
=Well this question sounds a little too philosophical to me... but I am as of
two weeks ago, a second year law student.

Do you have a sig Fig (post a pic, if you can)?
=Well not exactly my sig fig, but he is the hero of the story I am writing

What is the name of your fantasy world/country?
=I really don't know just yet. I'm accepting any suggestions anyone might have.
I'm also toying with the idea of making it Atlantis... You can see what I have
so far at

Favorite Castle set?
=Too hard to say. I love the Kings Mountain Fortress (6081) and the Blacksmith
Shop (6040) is one that I don't have but really want to get.

Favorite Personal MOC?
=I am fond of my courthouse
<link>, And I also like my
village which I don't have many pictures of except for as backdrops to my story.

Favorite Other MOC?
= Too many, I really like the stories, though I haven't read much of any of
them, I love the pictures.

What is a project you'd like to do but just don't have the bricks?
=I want to build some big castles to use in my stories, but at the moment I
don't want to take apart all the things I have built until I have a lot of time
and space where they will be safe from getting lost.

What would you like TLG to do with the castle line?
=I would like to see a move back to the old style castles, like the Black
falcons, and the like, probably just like everyone else. And I would like more
civilian buildings and female figures, in dresses. And less catapults.


Message is in Reply To:
  Castle Fun
Hey all, it seems lugnet.castle has been kinda quiet lately, and since I don't have anything new to post, I thought it might be fun to do a little survey kinda thing. Just reply to this message and fill in the answers with your own. What is your (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-03, to lugnet.castle)  

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