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 Castle / 16961
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Re: Castle Fun
Sun, 25 May 2003 16:59:09 GMT
726 times
In lugnet.castle, Leonard Hoffman writes:
Hey all, it seems lugnet.castle has been kinda quiet lately, and since I don't
have anything new to post, I thought it might be fun to do a little survey
kinda thing.  Just reply to this message and fill in the answers with your own.

What is your name?

Micah D. Berger

How old are you?


What does real life mean for you?
I'm not sure if thats what the question means but..... Oh well school, work,
drama and lurking about lugnet.

Do you have a sig Fig (post a pic, if you can)?
I haven't decided which minifig would work the best but when I decide (and
get my scanner figured out) I'll post it.

What is the name of your fantasy world/country?
My story is set on earth in a few different countries although I've only
named one of them. That one being Boaristad.

Favorite Castle set?
2586 The one that comes with the lego chess CD. A cheap little set with some
cool pieces.

Favorite Personal MOC? • I don’t know. See sig fig answer.

Favorite Other MOC?
I've seen a lot of great mocs in all this time I’ve been lurking and it
would take way to long to mention all of them. All I can say is keep up the
good work.

What is a project you'd like to do but just don't have the bricks?
The Dark Stone Castle in Boaristad. As you might guess from the name it's
supposed to be made almost completely out of Dk gray bricks. Someday someday.

What would you like TLG to do with the castle line?
I think it would be cool if TLC did some Castle themed "Designer Sets".
There would be The Dragon Builder Set, with special fabric pieces for the
wings. The Forestmen Builder Set, which would give kids an endless amount of
tree house designs. And of course The Castle Builder Set, buy 1 to make a
small castle 2 to make a larger one and so on.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Castle Fun
Hi Micah, (...) Now that is a good idea! Since Lego is currently making designer sets, this is actually a possibility. I would be really excited about something like this! Josh (21 years ago, 26-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Castle Fun
Hey all, it seems lugnet.castle has been kinda quiet lately, and since I don't have anything new to post, I thought it might be fun to do a little survey kinda thing. Just reply to this message and fill in the answers with your own. What is your (...) (21 years ago, 21-May-03, to lugnet.castle)  

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