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 Castle / 5440
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Re: OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 16:20:15 GMT
900 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Howdy all .castle folk.  Now that Lugnet is running as usual again, it's time
to do something that's been absent for a few months.  At Shiri's behest, I'm
gonna take a survey.  My first one, so bear with me.  OK, let's get started,
shall we?

1.  What is your age?
2.  What castle subtheme do you like most?
3.  Are you a member of Castle World?  (if not, what are you waiting for?!)
4.  What's your favorite castle set? (both that you own and not)
5.  What's your favorite non-castle set?
6.  What was your first castle set?
7.  What % of your collection is from castle sets? (rough estimate)
8.  What's your favorite minifig (castle or otherwise; MOC)
9.  What's the largest/coolest/most intricate castle MOC you've ever built?
10. Have you ever customized a figure for castle purposes? (other than just
   swapping arms and the like)


1- 27 in 13 more days... yay me...
2- Crusaders and Black Falcons
3- Yep, but it's taking me a rather long time to get my stories and models
together. =(
4- I really don't have a favorite, they're all so good. =)
5- See answer #4
6- Knights Procession way back in the day when I was a kid.
7- 50%
8- The basic Black Falcon guy, I suppose.
9- The coolest castle MOC I've built is more fantasy than historical.  I built
those mushroom houses that were at Brickfest and I'll be putting them into my
CW stories when I get the chance.  I've also built an airship that uses a lot
of technic parts, it was built for the fantasy CW world though, I really don't
know if it can be considered 'Castle'.
10- I haven't done anything too drastic to my castle minifigs, I'd be afraid I
would hurt them and they wouldn't forgive me. =)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nathan McDowell" <> <snip> (...) built (...) my (...) lot (...) don't (...) <snip> Those mushroom houses were yours? Wow! Those were incredible! I loved the detail that you put into the (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Howdy all .castle folk. Now that Lugnet is running as usual again, it's time to do something that's been absent for a few months. At Shiri's behest, I'm gonna take a survey. My first one, so bear with me. OK, let's get started, shall we? 1. What is (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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