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Re: OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 13:18:11 GMT
1206 times
----- Original Message -----
From: "Xcalabur" <>
My Answers:
1.  What is your age?
1: I'm 30 years old.

2.  What castle subtheme do you like most?
2: Hmmm. I like the wolfpack headpieces best.  I don't actually own any
sets, but I have some of these pieces from purchases.

3.  Are you a member of Castle World?  (if not, what are you waiting
3: I am not yet a member of CastleWorld.  I don't have too much time to
build at the moment, but I am working on it.  I love the whole concept of
telling my own stories using my constructions, and I have some ideas
wandering around in my head that I would like to put down some day.  One of
my major holdups is that I do not have access to a digital camera with a
macro mode, so I can't get close ups that are so important for this type of
stuff. I'm working on it, and when I believe that I can contribute, I will

4.  What's your favorite castle set? (both that you own and not)
4. My favorite castle set would be 6080 King's Castle.  My younger brother
got this set for his birthday one year, and I "inherited" it when I came out
of my dark ages a few years ago.  I have it (almost completely) assembled on
one of the shelves in my home office.
That said, I really don't much care for any of the castle sets that I have
seen in person.  I much prefer MOCs. :-)

5.  What's your favorite non-castle set?
5: Easy, 8480 Technic Space Shuttle.  This is such a well designed set from
just about every point of view, complexity, playability, action, etc.  There
are pieces in it that I would like to use for other purposes, but I just
can't get myself to take it apart.  I think that is the _definition_ of a
great set!

6.  What was your first castle set?
6: 6080 King's Castle, see #4 above.

7.  What % of your collection is from castle sets? (rough estimate)
7: I would guess 20%

8.  What's your favorite minifig (castle or otherwise; MOC)
8:  I'm still making my own characters up... Just swapping pieces, not
modifying.  I don't care if other people do, but I just haven't felt the

9.  What's the largest/coolest/most intricate castle MOC you've ever
9: I have built my Red Church , which started out as an
attempt to build a roof using plates instead of bricks.  I guess this is
Castle related, although my own preference is for Magic based castle
constructions, not historical.  I am also working on a sectional castle made
of white and black bricks, based on the ideas of Eric Kingsley

10. Have you ever customized a figure for castle purposes? (other than • just
    swapping arms and the like)
10: No, I have not.

-Andy Lynch

Message is in Reply To:
  OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Howdy all .castle folk. Now that Lugnet is running as usual again, it's time to do something that's been absent for a few months. At Shiri's behest, I'm gonna take a survey. My first one, so bear with me. OK, let's get started, shall we? 1. What is (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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