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 Castle / 5430
5429  |  5431
Re: OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 14:27:47 GMT
955 times
In lugnet.castle, Chris Maddison writes:
Howdy all .castle folk.  Now that Lugnet is running as usual again, it's time
to do something that's been absent for a few months.  At Shiri's behest, I'm
gonna take a survey.  My first one, so bear with me.  OK, let's get started,
shall we?

1.  What is your age?
2.  What castle subtheme do you like most?
Dragon Masters
3.  Are you a member of Castle World?  (if not, what are you waiting for?!)
4.  What's your favorite castle set? (both that you own and not)
6080 (King's Castle)
5.  What's your favorite non-castle set?
it will be the Millenium Falcon when I get one
6.  What was your first castle set?
maybe 6074 (Black Falcon's Fortress)
7.  What % of your collection is from castle sets? (rough estimate)
from castle...50%, used for castle...90%!
8.  What's your favorite minifig (castle or otherwise; MOC)
9.  What's the largest/coolest/most intricate castle MOC you've ever built?
A large church/cathedral.  Every new design is bigger though....
10. Have you ever customized a figure for castle purposes? (other than just
swapping arms and the like)


Message is in Reply To:
  OK, this one's for's SURVEY TIME!!!
Howdy all .castle folk. Now that Lugnet is running as usual again, it's time to do something that's been absent for a few months. At Shiri's behest, I'm gonna take a survey. My first one, so bear with me. OK, let's get started, shall we? 1. What is (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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