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 Kevin Wilson / towncomp / 2002

Second Annual TOWN Building Contest

Welcome to the 2002 Town building contest!

This contest is now closed and voting is complete. See the winners on the results page!

Follow these links to the category pages to see the entries:

(see below for more details about what fits in each category)

A Town Layouts (8)
B Dioramas (5)
C Super-size buildings (7)
D Large buildings (15)
E Medium and small buildings (7)
G Fire Apparatus (16)
H Small vehicles - Antique or Classic (5)
J Small Vehicles - Modern (17)
K Large vehicles (10)
L Aircraft (5)
M Boats and Ships (4)
N Bridges (6)

  • Anyone can enter except the organiser.
  • Models must be built from LEGO brand bricks to Minifig or “Classic Town” scale
  • Entries must fit into an available category
  • Pictures may be produced by photographing or scanning a real model, or using a CAD program.
  • CAD entries must be buildable in real life (see below)
  • You can enter as many models as you like (no extra votes for entering lots of models).
  • Models should be suitable for a modern-era town (1900 to the present) anywhere in the world
  • No military models
  • No space models (even ones that take off from Earth)
  • Entries must not have appeared in any other online contest (including, but not limited to, last year’s Town contest and the recent International System Creativity Contest)
“Classic Town” scale refers to the pre-minifig scale with doors 3-high. The scale intermediate between Classic and Minifig using 4-high doors is also OK.

Special rules for CAD models
  • They can only use elements in colors which have been produced by LEGO (even if rare), and the entrant must be prepared to quote a LEGO set which included the disputed element(s) if challenged.
  • Construction must be possible. If challenged, the entrant must be willing to allow a judge to examine the DAT file to confirm whether the model is buildable.
How To Enter

Build a model in minifig or “classic town” scale which fits into one of these categories:
  • Town Layout (more than 4 buildings)
  • Diorama (2-4-building scene or natural landscape, smaller than town layout)
  • Super-size building (think BIG. 20”, 64 studs or more in at least one dimension, covers two or more 32x32 baseplates)
  • Large building (less than 20”, 64 studs in all dimensions, but at least 10”, 32 studs in at least one dimension)
  • Medium and small buildings (less than 10”, 32 studs in all dimensions) (previously two categories, combined due to small number of models in each category)
  • Fire apparatus (4-8 wide)
  • Small vehicles, antique or classic (4-6 wide)
  • Small vehicles, modern (4-6 wide)
  • Large vehicles (6-8 wide, no bigger)
  • Aircraft (minifig scale, non-space)
  • Boats and ships
  • Bridges (road, rail or canal, minifig scale)
Take or make pictures of it and post them somewhere on the Web, preferably a Brickshelf Gallery account, but your own webspace is OK too. I strongly suggest that you put each entry in its own Brickshelf folder and give me the link to the folder: this allows you to add more/better pictures, and prevents confusion caused when people look at pics of more than one model in the same directory.

Send email to Kevin Wilson or post to with the following information:
(Yes, I know it looks funny, but PLEASE cut and paste these lines and use them as a template - it saves me a lot of formatting work when turning your entry into FTX to put on the contest page!)

Web-URL Name-of-model Your Name
Short Description of model

Here’s an example of what your entry text should look like:
D Large Buildings Office Building Kevin Wilson
This is an office building modelled on one down the street from my house.
I’ll add a link to your model to the appropriate category page so that everyone will be able to see it.


Voting is limited to entrants AND those registered with Kevin Wilson. Check the Voting page for information on how to register.

OVERALL CONTEST FIRST PRIZE: a $50 gift certificate from Lions Gate Models
OVERALL CONTEST SECOND PRIZE: a $40 credit at Milton Train Works
Primary content in this document is © Kevin Wilson. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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