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 Gaming / Starship /
------Starship RPG------
Sakari FighterBlue Nomad
GB-52b HruntingLight Tender Puissance
(*Images are of players’ ships, copyright their respective owners.)
Starship RPG is an association of multiple simultaneous adventures
based on spaceships built of Lego®.

Communiqué le Galactiqué (2006.11.25)

Galactic Mediator
Greetings from the office of the Galactic Mediator! GM Hendo
welcomes all space explorers. Along with Galactic Chief Richard,
and all Starship Players, we are working to revitalize Starship.
During this time, feel free to post or join. We only ask that you
remain patient. Direct signal from the GM sometimes takes time
as transmissions travel through the depths of space.


Please use our Registration Format when posting or emailing
registration for a new Player Ship. Full rules for registration are
at the Starship website.


Hendo is The Galactic Mediator.
He moderates galactic travel and is the curator of this group.

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lugnet.gaming.starship– Focused discussion group for Starship: out-of-character and out-of-game discussion and information about rules, development, and status of the Starship role-playing game.

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  Re: Updated web pages
(...) Hi Avery! Sorry for the delayed reponse - sometimes I think my communication signals through the depths of space are being done in "real time"... i.e., it takes a long time! Anyhoo, I am still here and my interest in Starship has not gone (...) (16 years ago, 19-May-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
  Updated web pages
As long as the links on the Starship web site still remain the same, then I can safely say that I have updated the web sites for my two sectors, the Granth and Cruan'atan sectors. The front page for both now advertises my upcoming adventures. Here (...) (16 years ago, 28-Apr-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
  Creating interest in Starship
Okay, so here I am cooking up not one, but two new adventures for the Cruan'atan sector, with a third in the cooker for Granth sector. I have just finished, yes finished, a very nice starship at 67 studs that will feature big in my gaming future. (...) (16 years ago, 7-Apr-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
  Re: Intro Sector Idea
(...) And hello to you too Avery! Sector 62 was the precursor to the precursor of Starship. Though the adventure ended, the site still exists at... (URL) More info on predecessor ideas to Starship can be found here... (URL) -Hendo (16 years ago, 29-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)

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