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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 818
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Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 15:05:06 GMT
673 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
So Anthony and I were talking tonight on AIM about who our toughest
characters were on a scale from 1 to 10 (how that came up is a secret for now:)
So anyway - I thought about who my tough guy was (General Reganok) and who
his was (The Black Jackal) but I'm curious what other people think.

So here is my question:

What other character would your sig-fig most like to meet?  And what
character would your sig-fig dread facing in combat or meeting?

I can't believe I forgot to answer this. >:-/

As Arlow is an amiable guy, he’d really enjoy meeting most of the
characters. Obviously, he wouldn't get along with the characters that are
truly evil villains, though the rogues are another matter. I believe Arlow
would especially enjoy meeting Jeff Johnston’s Red Fox, they just seem alike

Arlow would hate to have to face Joel Jacobsen’s Laele. What happened to
Jedrik and Cromar is his worst fear.

Good Questions.


Message is in Reply To:
  Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
So Anthony and I were talking tonight on AIM about who our toughest characters were on a scale from 1 to 10 (how that came up is a secret for now:) So anyway - I thought about who my tough guy was (General Reganok) and who his was (The Black Jackal) (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to lugnet.castle,

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