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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 799
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Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 22:18:41 GMT
357 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:
So Anthony and I were talking tonight on AIM about who our toughest
characters were on a scale from 1 to 10 (how that came up is a secret for now:)
So anyway - I thought about who my tough guy was (General Reganok) and who
his was (The Black Jackal) but I'm curious what other people think.

So here is my question:

What other character would your sig-fig most like to meet?  And what
character would your sig-fig dread facing in combat or meeting?

My answers would have to be:

1)  I think that Verneer would like to meet Craigo's Mephisto the most.
They would find some common ground for sure :)
2)  On the other hand, I think that Verneer would dread meeting that spikey
guy from Joel's forsest of blood the most.  That guy just doesn't seem
good for conversation.

Anywho - let me know where you stand as we slowly start getting ready for
some of these things that MIGHT happen at Brickfest :)

-- Pawel

(and if you can't be there, just send them via mail and they WILL be there:) - my new page.  Check under "About Me" for
some old creations ...

Well , I may not have my sig - fig on Castke World yet , Richard Runax , but
he would probably like to meet Anthony's Garalt , since they have much in
common, they both have princesses for girlfriends , ( and my princess uses
the same head )and they both kinda just joined with a kingdom , Richard
joined the Home Guard of his kingdom , and Garalt is Ulmerad's newest knight.

For least likely , that's a hard one , since Richard isn't afraid of very
much , but I would have to go with Bob Bone's Jacal , since Richard is a
little uneasy when fighting demons.

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  Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
So Anthony and I were talking tonight on AIM about who our toughest characters were on a scale from 1 to 10 (how that came up is a secret for now:) So anyway - I thought about who my tough guy was (General Reganok) and who his was (The Black Jackal) (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to lugnet.castle,

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