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 Castle / 8550
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Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 05:29:38 GMT
411 times
So Anthony and I were talking tonight on AIM about who our toughest
characters were on a scale from 1 to 10 (how that came up is a secret for now:)
So anyway - I thought about who my tough guy was (General Reganok) and who
his was (The Black Jackal) but I'm curious what other people think.

So here is my question:

What other character would your sig-fig most like to meet?  And what
character would your sig-fig dread facing in combat or meeting?

My answers would have to be:

1)  I think that Verneer would like to meet Craigo's Mephisto the most.
They would find some common ground for sure :)
2)  On the other hand, I think that Verneer would dread meeting that spikey
guy from Joel's forsest of blood the most.  That guy just doesn't seem
good for conversation.

Anywho - let me know where you stand as we slowly start getting ready for
some of these things that MIGHT happen at Brickfest :)

-- Pawel

(and if you can't be there, just send them via mail and they WILL be there:) - my new page.  Check under "About Me" for
some old creations ...

Message has 8 Replies:
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) Well, unfortunately, I have a problem. My official sig-fig is King Ulmerad, however my main character is Sir Garalt. I suppose I'll do both. 1)King Ulmerad would probably most likely want to meet Kevin Hall's Leonard la Aleric, one good king (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) Well, Alec just told me that he'd like to meet Verneer(probably because they have the same head...gotta love that expression! lol) He'd also hate to battle Lord Ethelred, although he thinks he has a chance with his Black Flame Halberd Hah! (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
Good question guys. 1. I think Vincent would most like to meet Verneer. I think these two would get along pretty well. Maybe they could make plans for overthrowing Capitol City! :-) j/k That would make a pretty cool story though! 2. Since Vincent (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) Well , I may not have my sig - fig on Castke World yet , Richard Runax , but he would probably like to meet Anthony's Garalt , since they have much in common, they both have princesses for girlfriends , ( and my princess uses the same head (...) (23 years ago, 16-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) Raven has heard of several of Verneer's adventures. If he could meet one person, it would be Verneer. Although he would love to meet to chat, he would dread meeting him in combat. (Although his matrix-like moves are pretty darn good. (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) well even though you haven't met my sig fig yet(Haro-Maru-you and everyone who wants to meet him will get too him come wednesday) I think that Haro would like to meet General Ragenok for the general's power and strength but I think he would (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) Interesting idea! :) (...) Um, yeah.. Beliwyr would most definately not be one to attempt to engage in smalltalk. Hehe. My answers: 1a) I think that Beliwyr would be most interested in a meeting with Merciator - anyone that strong in dark (...) (23 years ago, 17-Apr-01, to
  Re: Who would you want to face most/least ... or yet another survey.
(...) I can't believe I forgot to answer this. >:-/ As Arlow is an amiable guy, he’d really enjoy meeting most of the characters. Obviously, he wouldn't get along with the characters that are truly evil villains, though the rogues are another (...) (23 years ago, 21-Apr-01, to

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