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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 419
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Re: Sig-Fig Survey
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 18:38:32 GMT
599 times
1- What is your Sig-Fig's name?

Fezzel (pronunced Feh-zell)

2- What is your Sig-Fig's gender?  (Without a picture of them, it's hard to


3- What's your figgie's approximate age? (In human years) =)


4- Is your figgie a good guy, bad guy, or in-between?

He is a man, who does what is needed to get things done. He is Just, therefore
is leans towards good, but just is not always good.

5- What class is your figgie?  (Royalty, warrior, wizard, cleric, thief,

A wanderer, Fezzel is his own class. He kind of like a bard, with out the
trappings of stories for money. he is kind of like a Ronin, of a monk. He
travels where he wants, and seeks learning.

6- What's your figgie's outlook on life?

To seek answers not easily attainable.

7- What are your figgie's favorite things?

Nature and it's bounty. Knowledge, and a good friend.

8- What are your figgie's turn off's? =)

Rampant injustice, and ignorant stupidity. "Ignorance is not an excuse, those
who do not wish to learn will be set in the mire of foolishness."

9- Does your figgie play well with others? (Running out of ideas here...)

Just about everyone.

10- If your figgie could time travel (go from one box of LEGO to another in
your room), what LEGO theme or sub-theme would he/she like to visit the most?

I suppose the Adventurers 1920s period. A time of technological
experimentation, and historical discovery. Fezzel would grove on that.

Greg Howell

Check out Fezzel here:

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  Re: Sig-Fig Survey
(...) Ian Flint (...) Male (...) 45 (...) Good Guy (...) other) He's the lord of my castle, but also participates in combat (Royalty/Warrior?) (...) ? (...) His family, castle, throne, gold and gems (...) Warren, who is the leader of a large band of (...) (24 years ago, 8-Aug-00, to

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