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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 416
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Re: Sig-Fig Survey
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 16:54:37 GMT
690 times
1- What is your Sig-Fig's name?
Klavistor (formerly 'Prince Henry of Elling')

2- What is your Sig-Fig's gender?  (Without a picture of them, it's hard to


3- What's your figgie's approximate age? (In human years) =)

Oh, I don't think I've decided... 25-40 probably

4- Is your figgie a good guy, bad guy, or in-between?

In between, depending on when in his history you examine him. In his youth, he
was rather a hot-tempered bully. Later, he became more of a tragic hero, after
which he faded into a murderous barbarian. However, as might be suspected, his
death is somewhat noble.

5- What class is your figgie?  (Royalty, warrior, wizard, cleric, thief,

Warrior, by far. Formerly Royalty, but no more.

6- What's your figgie's outlook on life?

Again that really depends on when in history you look at him... he fades from
being noble and haughty to being angry and destructive.

7- What are your figgie's favorite things?

Taking vengence wherever he can find it, even if it's misplaced.

8- What are your figgie's turn off's? =)

Incompetence. Except in his enemies. Also Onions.

9- Does your figgie play well with others? (Running out of ideas here...)

Depends on the others... Mostly, no. He's probably killed more people
than he's met. Pillaging towns'll do that.

10- If your figgie could time travel (go from one box of LEGO to another in
your room), what LEGO theme or sub-theme would he/she like to visit the most?

Probably pirates... Although his first inclination would be space, our future
is probably too futuristic for him-- he'd be rather bored with all the
modernization... Pirates would be just about right for him.


Message is in Reply To:
  Sig-Fig Survey
(Posted to the wrong newsgroup before, disregard the first post, sorry) I think it's time we have a Sig-Fig Survey. Sure we've seen pictures of everyone's signature minifigures for Castle World and a few of them have stories to go with them, but (...) (24 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to

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