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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 413
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Re: Sig-Fig Survey
Mon, 7 Aug 2000 13:08:27 GMT
507 times
In, Nathan McDowell writes:
I think it's time we have a Sig-Fig Survey.  Sure we've seen pictures of
everyone's signature minifigures for Castle World and a few of them have
stories to go with them, but maybe we should have a little fun and go into
some details about them. =)  I'm kinda doing this out of my own curiosity, a
picture of a Sig-Fig doesn't *really* say a thousand words, sometimes I can't
tell if they're good guys, bad guys, train conductors, or what have you... =)

So here goes-

1- What is your Sig-Fig's name?

Auld Dragon

2- What is your Sig-Fig's gender?  (Without a picture of them, it's hard to


3- What's your figgie's approximate age? (In human years) =)

He appears to be in his late twenties to mid thirties

4- Is your figgie a good guy, bad guy, or in-between?

Good Guy

5- What class is your figgie?  (Royalty, warrior, wizard, cleric, thief,

Paladin, with some skill as a mage.

6- What's your figgie's outlook on life?

Generally positive, although not overly so.

7- What are your figgie's favorite things?

His adopted daughter (no pics yet), intelligent conversations, good books, good
music, and good food.

8- What are your figgie's turn off's? =)

Anyone related to or supporting the Donnan family, undead, traitors, and
lawlessness.  He also dislikes wanton cruelty and destruction, especially when
it is directed against women or children.

9- Does your figgie play well with others? (Running out of ideas here...)

Yes, unless they happen to be undead or related to the Donnan family.  :)

10- If your figgie could time travel (go from one box of LEGO to another in
your room), what LEGO theme or sub-theme would he/she like to visit the most?

Town, and space.

11- Who is/are your fig's closest friend(s)?

Emrys Wynn, Cecil Mirford, and a few I haven't named yet.  :D

12- What are some words that immediately come to mind for a new person meeting
your fig?

Jovial, good natured, driven, regal.

13- Who would play your figgie in a movie?

The film would be animated, and Crispin Freeman would do his voice.  :)

14- who are your figgie's allies from other realms?

Internal strife has pretty much closed the area off to diplomatic ties to other
countries, so, for now, none.

15- Who is your fig's enemies/nemeses?

Anyone from the Donnan family, especially Donnan III; Undead and those who
consort with them.


Message is in Reply To:
  Sig-Fig Survey
(Posted to the wrong newsgroup before, disregard the first post, sorry) I think it's time we have a Sig-Fig Survey. Sure we've seen pictures of everyone's signature minifigures for Castle World and a few of them have stories to go with them, but (...) (24 years ago, 6-Aug-00, to

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