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lugnet.cad.dat.ideas– Construction ideas, concept illustrations, techniques, sub-assemblies, snippets, etc. in LDraw format, plus any follow-up discussions directly relating to LDraw content

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  Re: Voxelizer pluging for Blender to design Nathan Sawaya's style sculptures
(...) the site is not accessible any more... where does can I find this plugin? thank you Cristian (15 years ago, 22-Oct-09, to lugnet.cad.dat.ideas)
  Voxelizer pluging for Blender to design Nathan Sawaya's style sculptures
Hello! I have modified the Blender plugin of Michael Schard to voxelize 3d objects. This plugin can create a LDraw scultpures in a "Nathan Sawaya's style" from a 3D model in Blender. Exactly, this plugin voxelizes a 3D object and creates a LDraw (...) (16 years ago, 15-Mar-08, to lugnet.cad.dat.ideas)  
  Re: Trying to figure out how to make a model...
(...) 32000 ((URL) + 2 x 4274 ((URL) ??? Philo (17 years ago, 30-Jan-07, to lugnet.cad.dat.ideas)
  Trying to figure out how to make a model...
I've seen alot of cbolego's models (the Metal Slug 5 ones in particular) and I wanted to try making one in MLCad... though I can't figure out how some of the pieces were fitted. In the upper section, it looks like he may have used a few 52107 (...) (17 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.cad.dat.ideas)

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